Alexandria Speeding Ticket Lawyer
Most people who are pulled over for speeding do not expect to be treated like a criminal. However, with the tough traffic laws in Virginia, something seemingly as simple as speeding can lead to criminal charges. A speeding conviction may result in fines, probation, and even jail time, as well as a criminal record that can hinder future opportunities. For the best defense against speeding and reckless driving violations, contact a speeding ticket lawyer in Alexandria for a free consultation and review of the potential defense strategies that can be used for your case.
Common Causes for Speeding Tickets in Alexandria
Whether a driver is late, distracted, or unaware of the posted limit, speeding is a common traffic offense. Many drivers assume speeding will result in a simple traffic ticket that they will pay by mail rather than fight in court. In the Commonwealth of Virginia, however, it’s not unusual for speeding violations to rise to the level of a criminal charge of reckless driving. Under Virginia traffic law, drivers who travel more than 20 mph over the posted speed limit are considered reckless. Speeding in neighborhoods or through school zones can also lead to a criminal traffic offense, even if the speed was relatively low. Not all reckless driving charges come from high-speed chases or drag racing, though even these types of charges can be mitigated by a qualified Alexandria speeding ticket attorney. By scheduling a free consultation with one of our lawyers, you will have the opportunity to get answers to all of your questions. You can also visit the Virginia DMV site for more information about these charges and how they might affect your personal and professional life.
Our attorneys know what it takes to win these cases and have a demonstrated record of success. Each case is unique, which means there may be little you can do on your own to be truly prepared. An Alexandria speeding ticket lawyer will know what kind of obstacles to expect and will draw upon their experience to map out a strong defense strategy. Let us use our experience and knowledge on your behalf to help you get a positive outcome in your case.
Experienced Alexandria Speeding Ticket Lawyer
A speed-related reckless driving charge is a criminal charge in the Commonwealth of Virginia, and therefore is best handled by an experienced Alexandria reckless driving attorney. That lawyer will thoroughly investigate the circumstances or your arrest and your alleged crime, casting your case in the best possible light for the court. There are a variety of possible factors, including illegal traffic stops, insufficient signage, radar equipment malfunctions and more, that may aid in your defense. An aggressive speeding ticket lawyer in Alexandria will thoroughly evaluate all of these areas and craft the best defense strategy for your unique situation, whether that means working for a dismissal or acquittal of the charge, or perhaps negotiating a plea agreement for a lesser charge.
Our firm is staffed with a team of experienced traffic attorneys representing clients throughout Virginia. We have the experience and skill necessary for the optimum handling of your defense. Each one of our attorneys is ready to represent clients charged with even the most serious speed-related offenses. Do not delay in protecting your rights, your freedom, and your driving privileges. Call today to schedule a free consultation of your case with one of attorneys.
When you schedule a consultation with our firm, it gives you a couple of opportunities free of charge. First of all, it enables you to ask any questions you might have about the law you were accused of violating and the charge or fine you may face. The best way to be prepared for trial, and the subsequent consequences, is to have a solid understanding of the process. Secondly, you and your Alexandria speeding ticket lawyer can begin cultivating a strong strategy for your defense. Call us today to schedule a free discussion of your case, (888) 415-8090.