Detecting Speeding in Brunswick
Law enforcement often relies on radar devices and pacing as prevalent tools for detecting speeding in Brunswick County. Radar is an in-vehicle tool. When a group of vehicles is traveling towards the officer, the radar gives the highest speed. Radar is not vehicle-specific but is on only one vehicle. When the radar beam focuses on only one vehicle with no other vehicles around, the officer can easily identify the vehicle. There is more of an issue when there is a group of cars. If you have been charged with speeding, a Brunswick speeding ticket lawyer will know about radar uses, pacing definitions and potential issues with using radar data as evidence.
LIDAR is vehicle-specific. It can be used from within law enforcement’s vehicle or it can be used outside the vehicle. LIDAR takes the speed of one vehicle at a time. It is more difficult to contest a speed taken by LIDAR because of the way it works. The gun is lined up with a vehicle’s front license plate. It is targeted almost like a rifle scope system, so the officer knows the speed that comes back corresponds to the license plate the officer targeted. It is not affected by other vehicles around in traffic. Traffic radar instruments are quite accurate at detecting speeding in Brunswick, particularly LIDAR. Defending LIDAR allegations is close to impossible.
Brunswick Radar Detection Devices
Radar detection devices tend to be very accurate. However, the most common source of error is weather-related such as rain. Heavy traffic and any kind of condition can impair the officer’s ability to get a reading and ascertain which vehicle provided that reading. After a detection of speeding, a Brunswick officer must get a description of the vehicle and get behind it in time to ensure that the vehicle matches. When device calibration is improperly done or is not done on a regular basis that can have an impact on a radar reading.
Potential Issues with Radar Data
Police officers in Brunswick County are usually taken at their word for detecting speeding in Brunswick. If they assure the court that their radar was checked before and after the shift and found to be calibrated properly; and they attest to the fact that they are familiar with the standard operating and calibration methods for their equipment; barring any extraordinary conditions on the road, the judge takes them at their word and the specifics of each case.
However, radar is not vehicle-specific. When cross-examining the officer, the lawyer questions the number of vehicles, traffic volume, and weather conditions. There may be mitigating factors that can show reasonable doubt as to whether it was their client’s vehicle that was speeding. If the law enforcement officer does a good job; they testify that their best practices are to get a single vehicle in the beam, knowing the limitations of radar. When using radar on a single vehicle, the person who received a ticket has little defense.
Locking onto the wrong vehicle is a big issue. However, when there are multiple vehicles traveling together; or one vehicle passing another, the lawyer can say that the vehicles were side-by-side when the radar was taken and the other vehicle was coming in faster and registered under radar. There can be issues with using radar to detect speeding in Brunswick. Especially when there is heavy traffic. Getting an accurate description of the vehicle when there is a group of vehicles can be problematic for the officer. How many black sedans were traveling in a pack and how long did it take the officer to catch up to them? Are they sure they got the right one? Operator error when using radar guns to detect speeding in Brunswick is uncommon.
Pacing in Brunswick
Pacing is when an officer sees a vehicle traveling at a rate well beyond the posted speed limit. Detecting speeding in Brunswick cases by pacing generally involve extremely high driving speeds. Pacing is admissible evidence of speeding in court. The judge weighs pacing differently than other testimony regarding radar or LIDAR, particularly based on where the speeding occurred. If an officer testifies that someone is driving 125, it is probably more believable that they are going much more than 25 as opposed to someone alleged to be going by pacing 90 in a 70. The speed is harder to gauge at that point. That is why pacing cases involve someone going double the speed limit. A defense to pacing is that it is not scientific evidence; it is just the officer’s word, training, and experience that the vehicle appeared to be traveling at a high rate of speed.