Interacting With Police at a Traffic Stop in Mecklenburg
Traffic stops can be a stressful experience, even if you have not done anything wrong. A routine traffic stop might feel like it could escalate into a more serious situation, however, there are ways to ease the stress of officer interactions at a Mecklenburg traffic stop. It is important that when interacting with law enforcement you remain calm and compliant. In the instance that an interaction with a police officer goes wrong and you are seeking legal recourse, consult with a qualified local traffic attorney.
What an Officer Will Ask
During officer interactions at a Mecklenburg traffic stop, an individual can expect an officer to ask them if they know why they were pulled over because they are looking for an admission of guilt. The officer might also make small talk and ask the driver where they are headed. Law enforcement might still be angling, even if they do not admit to speeding or any other whatever behavior they are alleging to, and they might ask where the person was headed and whether the driver was in a rush or not. They are still looking for information to put on the ticket to offer in court to support their theory of why they pulled the driver over.
A person wants to be polite and cooperative but does not want to make any admission of guilt. If they are asked why they were driving so fast, an individual should respond by saying that they did not think they were driving that fast. If the police ask the driver if they know why they were pulled over, they should respond that they do not know. They should not make any statements that admit guilt. A person should just listen to each question individually; stonewalling is never a good approach but listening to each question and being polite is important; answering in a way that doesn’t incriminate themselves is the way to go.
Being Pulled Over by an Unidentified Officer
Typically, most law enforcement officers are in uniform when they stop drivers. However, sometimes plainclothes officers may stop drivers as well. In that instance, a person wants to be looking for a badge even if they are in plain clothes; they should have a badge. A person will know if they are being pulled over by an officer because even unmarked police vehicles have lights from top to bottom to signify that they are law enforcement vehicles. Drivers can also ask the police officer to show their badge and identify themselves.
Appropriate Driver Behavior When Stopped
With officer interactions at a Mecklenburg traffic stop, it is important that the driver’s hands are visible. The safest approach is to keep hands on top of the steering wheel. The driver should not get out of the car unless the police officer asks a person to get out of the car. Always stay in the car, unless asked. The driver should expect the officer to give them some instructions and step-by-step statements such as running their license, looking up the person’s registration, and tracking the vehicle on his or her computer.
Questions the Driver Should Ask
Generally, the officer is going to tell a person why they were pulled over if they don’t, they can ask why they were pulled over. If they are issued a summons, that person should review that and ask any questions before the officer leaves the scene by paying attention to whether or not it is an offense that they can pre-pay or if they are required to appear in court. The driver should also ask if this is this a criminal offense, or something that they are going to be advised to a right to an attorney and whether they are looking at jail time.
The Value of an Attorney
Even if your officer interactions at a Mecklenburg traffic stop went without a hitch, you may still face legal consequences. The counsel of a qualified traffic lawyer can be a great help. A local attorney will have more knowledge of traffic laws, the potential penalties you may face, and what kind of defense you will need. Get in touch with a Mecklenburg traffic lawyer and know that you are in capable hands.